What's On
Gorhambury House Tour
A tour of Gorhamury House. During the tour the Viscountess Grimston (Rosie) will walk you through the 7 year building and renovations at Gorhambury. Discover how the architectural and social history of the house has informed its 21st century incarnation. During the tour there will be opportunities to see some of the Gorhambury Art Collection which is displayed in the house. Rosie has given tours and talks on Gorhambury in house and at local historical & art societies for the last 12 years. She was one of three Conforth Lecturers at Christie’s London in 2023.
The tour begins at 10:30am and ends around 12 noon. Starting with tea, coffee and biscuits around the main dining table, where the Viscountess will talk about the project, house and collection. Followed by a tour around the mansion. There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout.
Each house tour has 15 people per tour as a maximum and the tickets are £40 per person. Please note there are a fair number of stone steps and uneven floors throughout the mansion. To book tickets please contact Olivia at office@grimstontrust.co.uk
Available dates: 30th April, 1st October, and 8th October

Gorhambury Garden Tour with Head Gardener
We offer a chance for an in depth look around the gardens at Gorhambury House taken by our Head Gardener Gill Hewis.
The gardens comprise many areas and styles from formal to wildflower meadow, Herbaceous borders to cut flower and vegetable garden. There are some historic features and topiary alongside modern planting schemes by Tom Stuart Smith.
You will start with refreshments and an introduction to the history of the estate, the current mansion and garden. Then a leisurely guided tour around the gardens where you can ask questions and find out about the specimen plants, stories and anecdotes.
As part of the Tom Stuart-Smith designs, Spring 2024 will be the first time the 30,000 plus bulbs that have been planted in the autumn of 2023 will be on display. We are hosting just 2 spring bulb events in 2024 on the following dates:
25th April – Spring Bulb and Rhododendron special event.
1st May – Spring Bulb and Rhododendron special event.
In May and June there are some wonderful rhododendrons, camellias, flowering shrubs and trees as well as formal lawns, wildflower meadows and historic topiary. In July the herbaceous boarders look wonderful and the garden is popular with lots of butterflies. Our final event in 2024 will be in September when the garden is abundant with fruits, seeds and autumn leaves.
11th June, 18th June, 30th July, and 19th September
The tour will last about 1.5 -2 hours and will go ahead in nearly all weathers. Please dress accordingly.
There are toilet facilities available and a number of steps to be navigated.
Each head gardener tour is for a maximum of 15 people. Tickets are available to book now and are £30 per person.

All Events Are Pre Booked Tickets Only
To Book: Please email Olivia Berry on office@grimstontrust.co.uk with your booking details.
If you are not able to make one of our head gardener tours or would like to also attend the NGS open gardens we will be open on 22nd May for the NGS. For the NGS, click here to make bookings
For directions to Gorhambury House, please click here